Finding the perfect designer handbag can prove to be a difficult task. If you’ve purchased a designer handbag in the past you will know that in most circumstances they will come with a rather hefty price tag. There are ways to get leather handbags at cheaper rates; however, it’s important that you know what steps you must take in order to avoid getting ripped off.
Wholesale Stock
Wholesale stock will certainly be a lot cheaper than if you were to purchase in at the standard retail rate. Wholesale prices are generally what shops and suppliers will pay when they are buying their stock. Buying wholesale can be very tricky if you aren’t a shop owner; however, it is by no means impossible.
Finding a Bag
The first step you should take is to find a bag that you actually want to purchase. Make a list of your favorite bags. This way you will have a good idea of what to look out for when you are ready to make a purchase.
Search Online
By looking online you will be able to find a list of wholesalers in your area or county. To get wholesale prices on designer bags you might have to travel a little; however, the prices you save will certainly make it worthwhile!
Set your Budget
There is no pointing hunting around for a new leather handbag if you don’t have a budget in mind. If you have looked at the value of the bags that you want, then expect to pay anything from thirty to eighty percent of the retail value. It’s always a good idea to base your budget in the high figure. This way you won’t get a shock if the wholesale price is more than you expected.
Research the Store
Always make sure that you check out the credentials of the store that you are purchasing from. This means checking how long they have been in operation for and if they have a good reputation. Try looking online for testimonials from people who have purchased wholesale leather handbags from them in the past. This will give you a good idea of whether or not they will be worthy of your business. People may even recommend other stores that they have used in the past.
Remember that when you purchase your wholesale handbag you should always make sure that you have a warranty. This will ensure that you are covered if there is a problem with it after you make the purchase. Without a warranty you won’t be able to send it back and get a replacement if it doesn’t meet expectations. Every reputable service will provide you with a warranty.