Lucky charms have been around since the beginning of time. Whether it’s a rabbit foot, a special rock, or a piece of lucky charm jewelry, there is nothing like a lucky charm to make you feel confident and to give you the confidence to go out and get what you want....
Alethea Alcaraz
Luxury Boutiques, Shop in Chicago Today
Specialized shopping in Chicago brings collections of unique merchandise to interested consumers. High-end retail stores offer items from around the world, only found in elite boutiques. Shoppers can enjoy searching for clothing items, accessories, and specialty...
6 Tips to Working with Fondant Beginner Cake Decorators Should Know
Working with fondant can be quite a challenge for beginners. If you haven’t had much experience with fondant as a cake decorator, here are a few tips you’ll find helpful: Keep it in airtight storage When you work with fondant, you’ll want to make sure you store it...
How Permanent Do You Want Your Custom Iron On Transfers To Be?
Iron on transfers for T-shirts and other garments should really be considered a thing of the past. When they first hit the shops with a fairly wide selection of designs and words on the transfer; they were a fun gimmick to show-off to your friends; but, they had two...
How to Start Collecting Good-Quality Ninja Gear
Whether it has been driven by large-scale fantasy epics on TV and at the movies or something else entirely, collecting swords, knives, and ninja gear has become very popular in recent years. For the collector always on the lookout for a good bargain, there are now...